时间:2019-03-27 11:46








  Andrew Conway FIPA FFA

  原载自澳大利亚公共会计师协会《公共会计师》(Public accountant)2019年02-03月刊,第6页,《公共会计师》数字资讯中心www.pubacct.org.au

  Fighting the good fight

  On behalf of the IPA Board and the entire IPA team, welcome to 2019 and happy New Year. This year has begun with a flurry of activity, including our annual pre-budget submission as we continue to advocate on your behalf and for all Australian small businesses.

  It will also be a big year in the political arena with the federal election, which may see a change of government. Again, we remain apolitical and regardless of who is in power, we will continue our relentless and ongoing advocacy work.

  While politically it is an uphill battle, we will continue to fight the good fight and push ahead with our proposal for a new qualified accountants financial services licensing regime, to enable the provision of affordable and competent financial advice to consumers. Last year was a year of significant growth for the IPA and we will be striving to build on that growth and financial outcomes so we can reinvest in the business to develop and provide enhanced services and benefits to all of our members.

  One area of development is our digitisation program. We are currently scoping out a new digital platform to help members transition their services to the cloud. For those members who have not yet transitioned, moving to the cloud comes with many benefits.

  One key benefit is that it allows you to set up what is essentially a virtual office that gives you the flexibility of connecting to your business anywhere, any time. In most cases, cloud computing will reduce the cost of managing and maintaining your IT systems. You can also scale up or scale down your business, allowing flexibility as your needs change, and using the cloud frees up your time so you can get on with running your business and hopefully have more leisure time.

  Some people get concerned about protecting data but in fact, cloud computing ensures your data is backed up and protected in a secure and safe location. Whether you experience a natural disaster, power failure or some other crisis, the cloud allows you to access your data again quickly, minimising downtime and loss of productivity.

  This is an exciting development and I will keep you informed on its progress over the coming months as we evolve our thinking of the IPA Group as a global professional body acting on an electronic platform for members and their clients.

  Andrew Conway FIPA FFA
